Wednesday, March 21, 2007


The Library 2.0 pieces have a sci-fi feel to them, I think. Very interesting. A lot to absorb. I will mark the OCLC website somewhere so that I can check in periodically to see what's up.

Monday, March 19, 2007

No number

This is our cool circ display about gardening. Actually, this is only included as an exercise in transferring photos to my blog. The display really DOES look better in person.

#14 Technorati

Have looked into the Technorati site a bit and zipped aroundl, but I don't see myself using this much, at least not for now. It is interesting to look a bit at other blogs, but I don't want to get sucked into actually having "favorites." Seems like a good way to use up a lot of time that I don't really want to spend in front of a computer.


I think I'm getting the hang of this tagging business, and I can see how could be helpful for research or just nifty to be able to access when at other than the at-home computer. After learning some 13 of our 23 Things, I am experiencing a new awareness of things computer, which is nice. There is still lots of lingo out there in the media related to computers, etc., that is foreign to me, but I am increasingly coming across articles that make mention of items we've covered here, which makes me feel as if I am actually making some progress. Baby steps, maybe, but progress all the same.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


I've added a rollsearch as a sidebar (?), but I need to perfect this a bit. Think I have some extraneous information. Learning is a process, right?

#11! Library Thing

Here's my foray into Library Thing. I've made a list of books that I've listened to on CD or with the audiobook downloads through our library website. I need to fiddle with this a bit more to see if I can get my list to reflect that the books are indeed audibooks, but I've wanted a place to keep a list and this seems like a good start. I do like the little book covers! Here's a link to my Library Thing list:

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

#10 Generators

I've used the Portrait Illustration Maker to do a self-portrait.


Finding (RSS) feeds. I'm having the best luck just finding news sites that I like and clicking on the orange icon. I've explored some the Feedster,, Syndic8. com, and the Technorati sites, but it's a bit of an information overload. I did do a search at one of the sites on an author, and that led me to an interesting political blog. The number of blogs and writing out there is a bit overwhelming.
The access to so many news sources is amazing, though it means more time in front of a computer.
All righty, I need to say something about technology in general. Life has changed big time since I was a college student, which was not all that terribly long ago. I drove to work yesterday afternoon listening to "the Computer Guys" on NPR. I was happy to listen to the computerese for an hour, but I did realize that there is a very big, fastmoving computerized world out there that is not as intuitive for me as it is for some of my younger colleagues and my kids.
I thought the Flickr site was very interesting, but I was not successful (see below) w/ my lettering experiment. Think I'll move on and possibly come back to this for another try much later.